Faith United Milton Cares  

Faith Finance Team


The Faith Finance Team is responsible for the maintenance of the financial records of our faith community.   We recruit members for our Count Team who rotate on a weekly basis to count the weekly collection and post to the computer.  The team is responsible for the banking of any income, payment of any expenses and reimbursement for any approved purchases of supplies.  We provide the bi-monthly financial reports to Council and prepare the year end budgets and financial statements. 

At the congregant level, we maintain the personal donation records, the PAR records and prepare the annual tax receipts.  We maintain the envelope listing and provide labels when required.

The team is always looking for new folks to share the weekly counting duties so if you wish to volunteer your services please contact Judy Chartrand or Eddie Hales.

Expense Reimbursement/Payment

If you need to be reimbursed for an expense or need to have a cheque written to a vendor or supplier of services, you will find a copy of the appropriate forms here. Click on the highlighted text for the required form.   There is one form for Reimbursement of Expenses and one for Payment of a Vendor or Supplier.  Download and print the form, have it signed by the Chair of the respective committee and submit to Judy Chartrand.  

PAR Donations

 If you wish to go on PAR or change your PAR donations, click here for the appropriate form.  Print the form, complete and give to Judy Chartrand who will submit to the United Church of Canada with the Faith United information.  PAR donations will be taken from your bank account by the United Church every month on or about the 20th of the month.  Tax receipts for PAR donations are prepared by Faith United Milton.